Publications list

27) Bezer J.H., Prentice P., Lim Kee Chang W., Morse S.V., Christensen-Jeffries K., Rowlands C.J., Kozlov A.S. & Choi J.J. (2025) Microbubble dynamics in brain microvessels. PLoS One 20(2).

26) May H.G., Tsikonofilos K., Donat C.K., Sastre M., Kozlov A.S., Sharp D., Bruyns-Haylett M. (2024) EEG hyperexcitability and hyperconnectivity linked to GABAergic inhibitory interneuron loss following traumatic brain injury. Brain Communications.

25) Reilly J., Goodwin J.D., Lu S. & Kozlov A.S. (2024) Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Representation Learning for Natural Stimulus Synthesis. J. Neurophysiology 132 (1156-1169).

24) Ang G., Clopath C. & Kozlov A.S. (2024) Flexible integration of natural stimuli by auditory cortical neurons.

23) Evanson L., Lavrov M., Kharitonov I., Lu S. & Kozlov A.S. (2023) Biomimetic computations improve neural network robustness.

22) Agramunt J., Parke B., Mena S., Ubels V., Jimenez F., Williams G., Rhodes A., Limbu S., Hexter M., Knight L., Hashemi P., Kozlov A.S. & Higgins C. (2023) Mechanical stimulation of human hair follicle outer root sheath cultures activates adjacent sensory neurons. Science Advances 9(43).

21) Lu S., Ang G.W.Y., Steadman M. & Kozlov A.S. (2023) Composite receptive fields in the mouse auditory cortex. J. Physiol.

20) Yasin Cotur, Selin Olenik, Tarek Asfour, Michael Bruyns-Haylett, Michael Kasimatis, Ugur Tanriverdi, Laura Gonzalez-Macia, Hong Seok Lee, Andrei S. Kozlov, Firat Güder, Advanced Materials

19) Gianoli F., Hogan B., Dilly E., Risler T. and Kozlov A.S. (2022) Fast adaptation of cooperative channels engenders Hopf bifurcations in auditory hair cells. Biophysical Journal

18) Sirko P. and Kozlov A.S. (2022) Immunohistochemistry localises myosin7a to cochlear efferent boutons. Wellcome Open Research (7:1)

17) Abeytunge S., Gianoli F., Hudspeth A.J. & Kozlov A.S. (2021) Rapid mechanical stimulation of inner-ear hair cells by photonic pressure. eLife 10:e65930

16) Gianoli F., Risler T. & Kozlov A.S. (2019) The development of cooperative channels explains the maturation of hair cell’s mechanotransduction. Biophysical Journal 117(8):P1536-1548.

15) Gianoli F., Risler T. & Kozlov A.S. (2017) Lipid bilayer mediates ion-channel cooperativity in a model of hair-cell mechanotransduction. PNAS 114(51): E11010-E11019.

14) Albert J. T. & Kozlov A. S. (2016) Comparative aspects of hearing in vertebrates and insects with antennal ears. Current Biology 26: R1050-R1061 (Invited review).

13) Kozlov A. S*. & Gentner TQ. (2016) Central auditory neurons have composite receptive fields.  PNAS. 113(5):1441-6. * corresponding author. 

12) Kozlov A. S*. & Gentner TQ. (2014) Central auditory neurons display flexible feature recombination functions. J. Neurophysiol. 111(6): 1183-89. (Featured article). * corresponding author.

11) Kozlov A. S., Andor-Ardo D. & Hudspeth A. J. (2012) Anomalous Brownian motion discloses viscoelasticity in the ear's mechanoelectrical-transduction apparatus. PNAS 109(8): 2896-901. (Featured in the “Scientific Computing World” magazine).

10) Kozlov A. S., Risler T., Hinterwirth A. & Hudspeth A. J. (2012) Relative stereociliary motion in a hair bundle opposes amplification at distortion frequencies. J. Physiol. 590: 301-308. (Cover article). 

9) Kozlov A. S., Baumgart J., Risler T., Versteegh C. P. & Hudspeth A. J. (2011) Forces between clustered stereocilia minimize friction in the ear on a subnanometre scale. Nature 474: 376-379 (Cover article; also featured in Current Biology, 21, R632-4, 2011).

8) Miranda-Rottmann S., Kozlov A. S. & Hudspeth A. J. (2010) Highly specific alternative splicing of transcripts encoding BK channels in the chicken's cochlea is a minor determinant of the tonotopic gradient. Mol. Cell Biol. 30(14): 3646-60. (Cover article).

7) Angulo MC., Le Meur K., Kozlov A. S., Charpak S. & Audinat E. (2008) GABA, a forgotten gliotransmitter. Prog. Neurobiol. 86(3): 297-303.

6) Chiappe E., Kozlov A. S. & Hudspeth A.J. (2007) The structural and functional differentiation of hair cells in a lizard's basilar papilla suggests an operational principle of amniote cochleas. J. Neurosci. 27(44): 11978-85. (Featured article).

5) Kozlov A. S., Risler T. & Hudspeth A.J. (2007) Coherent motion of stereocilia assures the concerted gating of hair-cell transduction channels. Nature Neuroscience 10: 87-92. (Featured in News&Views).

4) Kozlov A. S., Angulo M. C., Audinat E., Charpak S. (2006) Target cell-specific modulation of neuronal activity by astrocytes. PNAS 103(26):10058-63. 

3) Angulo M. C., Kozlov A. S., Charpak S., Audinat E. (2004) Glutamate released from glial cells synchronizes neuronal activity in the hippocampus. J. Neurosci. 24(31): 6920-7.

2) Lambert R.C., Leresche N., Kozlov A.S., Hering J., Maulet Y., Richard S., Bossu J.L. & Feltz A (2001). Les entrées de calcium au voisinage du potentiel de repos: un rôle sur mesure pour les canaux T dans de multiples fonctions. Médicine/Science.17: 989–998.

1) Kozlov A. S., McKenna F., Lee J. H., Cribbs L. L., Perez-Reyes E., Feltz A. & Lambert R. C. (1999) Distinct kinetics of cloned T-type Ca2+ channels lead to differential Ca2+ entry and frequency-dependence during mock action potentials. Eur. J. Neurosci. 11(12): 4149-58.